Religious Conflicts

There have been many times when those who are in charge of religious institutions have not appreciated any person going against the main tenets of their beliefs, and punishment has often been a way to keep them in line. For those who found they could not accept a particular ritual or explanation, there would be consequences. Some people simply asked innocent questions requesting clarification, but others have knowingly gone against the tide. Each type of person has often faced severe consequences, but they were much worse in the past than they are today.

The ease of mobility has lessened the ties to a particular religious institution, and many disagreements today are handled by the person changing their affiliation. It was much different in the past when people had little or no ability to travel far, and the controls over them were much stronger. These differences between the past and present have created an interesting mix of results.


Resurrection from Death

Easter is a special time of year that marks the Christian celebration of Jesus' resurrection from death. It's also a fun and meaningful holiday for...



A Good Look at History

For those who have never studied, the Spanish Inquisition is one of the most fascinating examples of religion and government combining to control a population....



Denying the King

The split between the English and the Roman Catholic Church is often misunderstood, and many people believe that Henry VIII chose to leave the church...



Asking Questions

There have always been people who want clarification on any subject, but many of them throughout history have understood that questioning religious beliefs could be...



Religious Control

In previous centuries, religious institutions were often supported by governments. This factor provided them with the means to exercise religious control over large populations, and...